At Nimbnet, we’re accelerating Sweden’s shift to a sustainable future by building a robust network of charging stations specifically designed for heavy electric vehicles. In this progress report, we share exciting developments and the challenges we’ve encountered in our mission to expand our charging infrastructure in Sweden. 

Construction Permits Granted for Söderhamn Station

After months of evaluating suitable locations, we are thrilled to announce that Nimbnet has been granted construction permits for one of our pivotal locations: Söderhamn Losjö. This is a significant milestone as we’ve overcome major setbacks on our project timeline due to the need to find replacement locations. Our Söderhamn station, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, is strategically important for serving the heavy electric fleets that operate in these regions.

If you are curious to see the details you can find the construction permits via the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

The Journey to Securing our Current Site

The journey to secure these permits has not been without its challenges. Initially, our plans to build on the rest stop Ångersjön were denied by the Swedish Transport Administration. This setback led to months of searching for suitable replacement locations. We have had many negotiations with the municipality, Swedish Transport Administration, and private landowners and finally settled on an alternative for the Enånger site (now Söderhamn Losjö). Many more locations were studied and quickly deemed unsuitable. However, our persistence has paid off, and we can now move forward with our charging stations in Soderhamn Losjö.

Excitement Surrounding Soderhamn Charging Station

Construction at the Soderhamn charging station is set to commence soon, and we couldn’t be more excited. 

The charging equipment was delivered back in 2023 and is just waiting to be deployed. 



We chose to purchase equipment from the great Finnish company Kempower as they have reliable and reputable chargers. Our chargers will also be integrated with Virta’s network for easy payment. We already deployed their chargers at our testing station at the Gotlandring Racing Track. If you are on Gotland, stop by and visit our station there. It is a beautiful and exciting place!

Car charging at Nimbnet GotlandRing station

Car charging at Nimbnet GotlandRing station


Luckily, Ellevio, a grid operator, can deliver the power needed for this charging station. As soon as the permit is legally binding and the land formation decision made, we will begin construction. In preparation, we have already ordered the necessary pipes, cables, and concrete foundation.
The whole Nimbnet team is looking forward to seeing these stations operational and charging heavy trucks.

Construction plans for Soderhamn station

Construction plan submitted and approved for the construction permit at Söderhamn Losjö.

Looking Ahead

At Nimbnet, we understand that the path to progress is often met with obstacles, but our dedication to innovation and sustainability drives us to persevere. The recent developments at the Söderhamn charging station are significant milestones in our journey, and we are excited about the future of our charging infrastructure network.

We appreciate the ongoing support from our partners, stakeholders, and the community as we continue to lead the charge in electrifying heavy fleets. Stay tuned for more updates as we move forward with our mission to revolutionise the transportation industry.