At Nimbnet we are all about helping our environment. Humanity HAS to make sure to keep the temperature increase to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. If we don’t, billions of us will suffer the consequences of climate change in the near future. But there are plenty of other tragedies in this world that has sad effects on people and their families. Cancer and other deceases is such a catastrophe that is effecting large numbers of people around the world.

So it is with pride that we see one of our own, Torbjörn Nordling, Project Supervisor at Nimbnet and Assistant Professor in Automatic Control, being cited in relation to GRN inference. In an article in Pharmaceutical Technology called Joining the dots: How gene regulatory network tools are unearthing drugs, we can learn that scientists are now studying how individual molecules interact with each other inside cells. The interactions between different molecules such as proteins or RNA are described by the term gene regulatory network (GRN).

Professor Nordling is quoted saying that studying the gene regulatory network, would be especially valuable “in developing new treatments for cancer where mutations in the genome play a key role.”

As anyone who has ever suffered from cancer, either directly or via a loved one can attest to, this would be great news.

Now back to building our heavy truck chargers!